We like to work at our client's comfort level, so feel free to choose any of the following, or perhaps submit your own:

  • HOURLY: Not recommended, because it usually piles up pretty fast. Not unlike lawyers, however, some creative/marketing firms do hire out by the hour. When we do, there is a two hour minimum. In times of crisis or absolute rush, hourly is often convenient.
  • PROJECT: Each project is divided into two parts: concept and production. Concept begins with strategy development and ends at the "thumbnail" stage. Body copy is not included. Production begins the physical construction through delivery to your doorstep (although some clients prefer to handle some production such as printing by themselves). Each project is bid in writing (see below).
  • MONTHLY FEE: The advantage of monthly fee is one of cost containment, unlimited phone access, front-burner attention and more frequent on-site meetings. Creative fees are discounted, as well. Monthly fees are paid the first of the month prior to that month's work.
  • EQUITY: A good creative marketer does good ads. A great marketer does good deals. One of the characteristics that separates Digital Productions from competitors is that we understand the potential and future values of companies. As a result, we have been asked to become equity partners in client organizations. These arrangements are negotiated on individual basis.
  • TRANSACTIONS: Another aspect of Digital Productions that bears mention is our ability to bring working third-party partners together to form symbiotic business relationships. Strategic alliances, and client introductions are all part of a comprehensive marketing effort. Digital Productions actively pursues these opportunities for its clients, with remuneration negotiated on individual basis.
Less paperwork, more productive work!
  • ESTIMATES: All projects begin with a written Estimate, which outlines pretty much what is - or is not - covered by the fees found at the bottom of the form. The Estimates are designed to keep paperwork to a minimum. We fax , or email the Estimate to you, and if it meets with your approval, you simply check the "Fax Authorization" box, sign where indicated and fax it back. It's that simple. For your protection, no work begins until the Estimate is signed.
  • APPROVALS: Each project is produced digitally, which allows for all projects to be faxed or emailed to you in order to be monitored for progress. We can also arrange to prepare ftp access to files on our web site to speed approval times. At times, it may be appropriate for your representative to sign off (make his approval) on a project. It is perfectly fine to do this by fax.
    We strongly urge that you appoint one person in charge of final approval for all Digital Productions projects. Nothing kills good ideas faster than committees and nothing wastes more hours of consultation time.

Please contact us, we'll set an appointment

NAPLES, FL 239-877-0671 or personal cell...
(309) 678-0653


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